
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Have you been counted?

I received my 2010 Census the day they were to be sent out. I filled it in, making sure to mark my partner as "husband", and mailed it back the very next day.

Imagine my surprise when I received another form, clearly telling me that my participation was mandated by the Constitution (as did the first). At first, I thought that perhaps my carefully completed form had been misplaced and would not be counted. But then I figured that the bureau probably just sent out duplicates to ensure a higher count, and that sending in another form would screw up the count.

Turns out I was right about the duplicate mailings. See: Americans Get Mixed Messages About Census - AOL News
But since every form is barcoded, can they actually double-count? Not so sure.

Anyway, here's a live look at my neighborhood count. As of April 6, 2010, it is at 57% - which is just below the national average.

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