My Theology

ExPluribusUnum, or "one from many", is the Shortest Way to Describe My Theology.

I believe that we are all mere human beings trying to make sense of our existence; so we should keep that in mind when we interact with one another. We are one people, composed of many persons. "God" is found in the love we share. The only way to get to that holy place is to practice more love!

Sunday, November 28, 2010 question: I've written a distant future novel where humans have evolved an ability to naturally trans-gender based on preferences with their partners. What about it: same sex partners gradually becoming opposite sex partners (and having kids)? Good thing or not?

Although not entirely the same concept, this reminds me of a movie I saw called "Zerophilia" where certain people (i.e. "zerophiliacs") change gender after becoming aroused. As far as I'm concerned, if people don't feel that their physical sex matches their intended or felt gender, and they can naturally remedy the situation, I don't see why they shouldn't. The catch for me is...if they are same-sex partners in a same-sex relationship, why would they *want* to change genders?

So I guess my short answer is...if they switch gender out of love (for self and for partner) and for a sense of personal integrity, then I would go with "good thing". If it's for a whim, or to "fit in" and to "be normal", then I would say "bad thing". Very bad thing.

Besides, if God *really* wanted us to exceed the earth's carrying capacity for human populations, thereby bringing about our own ruin and leading to the extinction of countless other species along the way, we would all be born straight and fertile with extraordinarily high libidos. ;-)

Tangent: It might be a controversial theory, but it just seems to me that the closer a population gets to the limits its environment can withstand, the more widespread homosexuality seems to become as a natural population curb. That's not scientific fact, just speculation....Gaia has to protect herself and her children from destroying themselves.

Ready. Set. DEBATE!


kimc said...

there may be some evidence that overpopulation has some chemical effects on pregnant females that might make more homosexual offspring. (If that's true, then those so religions that they have too many babies because their religion tells them to, are contributing to homosexuality. Ironic?) I heard of some studies to that effect, but it was back it the sixties. I don't know if they disproved it, or disapproved it....

kimc said...

by the way, have you read the sci-fi novel by Ursula LeGuin called The Left Hand of darkness? People in that one change gender. It's a classic....

UUXMNR said...

No, I haven't read any of her books...shocking! Maybe I'll look into it! :-)

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